We usually consider the goats and the sheep being separated
in Matthew 25, as "Christians" and "non-Christians". Perhaps that's what it is about. But read that story in context. The whole chapter is about the two types of
people coexisting in one group.
The story of the 10 virgins, is a story of young women who
are morally pure but some have oil, and some do not, five are wise, and five are foolish. (The beginning of wisdom, is the fear of the
Lord. The fool has said in his heart there is no God.) The ones who have oil
are taken into the bridegroom's chambers.
The others who don't are left behind.
They were all in the same group, they were all virgins, they were all
waiting for the bridegroom. Yet only 5 were wise and had enough oil. The five
foolish were left outside.
The story of the talents (or bags of gold) is a story of
three servants. They were each given varying amounts of wealth to care for and
invest, by their master. The servant given five bags of gold, went to work and
multiplied it. The servant given two bags of gold did the same. The servant
given one bag, hid it in the ground and kept it safe, but did no more. All
three were servants of the same master, all three were entrusted with talents,
all three were expected to accomplish something with what they had been given
by the master. The first two heard "Well Done". They probably all expected to hear it. The
last though was considered a wicked and lazy servant and was taken away.

So, my point? There are two groups of people in the church (I
think this is the correct understanding of these parables). You can't
necessarily tell them apart by their morality, the way they dress, what they
say, or even their claim to serve the Lord. Goats will be right alongside the
sheep in the house of God. Yet God knows the difference and He will sort them
out. He is the one who will divide his flock into sheep and goats (Not my job).
Our job is to be wise (fear the Lord), keep your lamps full of oil (Be filled
with His Spirit, not your flesh), be faithful to use what He has given you
(Multiply it through diligence!), don't forget the hungry, the poor, the sick,
or those in prison but genuinely care for them.
The key to understanding Matthew 25 is found in Matthew 24: 45-51
(Read it). It tells us that the sensible and faithful servant is the one the
master can give responsibility to. The others will have their place among the
hypocrites. This stirs me to the core! I
cannot allow myself to just go through the motions! I must be numbered among
the sheep! Can He trust me? Is he REALLY
my Lord, or just in name? I am in the
group who calls myself a Christian, but am I a sheep or a goat? Wow...
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