I was praying today I believe the Lord revealed something to me. It was
pretty profound, to me at least. While praying, I told the Lord that I love
Him, but I also asked that He teach me to love Him more. And right then, the
Lord really quickened my spirit. 'We 'don't even know how to love Him.'
As I prayed I realized, we've been taught to love the things of this world. Even though it may have been taught to us unintentionally, it was taught. We know how to be affectionate toward this world. It comes naturally, because we are in the flesh. We can look at our own lives and see that it's true... But we need to be taught how to love God.
That's when I felt that I heard the Lord say, "Love is surrender." Pure, simple, easily understood… “Love is surrender.” Clearly, God was teaching me to love Him.
I try to show my love to Him in many different ways. I pray, and try to submit my will to His. I try hard to be a godly example to the people in my life. I read His Word, sometimes just because I know I need it. I offer the very best praise I can muster, on a regular basis. And none of that is bad, but God said, “Love is surrender.”
So, I began thinking about this statement, and it seems so foreign to us. Because of our teaching, we are programmed to look at everything through the eyes of flesh. So, we may see love as a completely different thing. We are not taught to surrender. On the contrary, we are taught to stay on guard or to even conquer.
When you’ve lived a little while, you know that if you don’t guard yourself from others, you will often end up hurting. So when we love, we put conditions on it. Sometimes, because of our tendency to guard ourselves or even as we try to gain control of situations, or people, we find that we have caused hurt ourselves. I believe we often, wrongly, carry this ideology into our relationships. If we aren’t careful, we will have walls of protection built up even against our spouse or children. And certainly we do the same toward our God, but that isn’t what surrender looks like.
I’m sure you are familiar with 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. It says,
is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not
arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked,
does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in
unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all
things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Doesn’t that sound an awfully lot
like surrender?
Let’s look at this from another angle: At Calvary, God surrendered to His own creation, in a great display of love. He didn't conquer us, although He surely could have. He didn’t even guard Himself. Instead, He ‘offered Himself’ in the person of Jesus Christ. Though He was God, He humbled Himself and offered all that He is, to us. We crucified Him in return. At that crucifixion, we displayed our 'love' for power more than our love for Him. Yet, He displayed love that we cannot even fathom, through His surrender.
Love is scary. It can really hurt if it isn’t returned like we are giving it. Love isn’t always easy. So we hide our hearts and guard our feelings, and sometimes even try to go after things, instead of opening ourselves up to possible hurt.
If real love is surrender, and I believe that’s what it is. Then it’s best displayed when we give it fully with no reservations. I know that’s scary, but ‘perfect love casts out fear’. When love is perfect, there is no fear of hurt.
God’s love toward us is perfected. We can see that by looking at Calvary, where He surrendered to us. So we need not be afraid to surrender to Him.
In response to my request, "Teach us Lord to love you!" He simply says, "Love is Surrender." We say that we love the Lord with all our hearts, but have we really surrendered everything to Him? Because that’s what love looks like.
If you want to know how much you really love Him, ask yourself this question. Am I fully surrendered to the Lord? And, if you want to know how much He loves you, ask yourself; “Did He fully surrender for me?”
Love, my friend, is surrender.
Jerry this is awesome, I came to this revelation when I was going through my divorce. There is a song that says when I fall in love it will be COMPLETELY. I had never realized that I didnt love Completely until I took a good hard look at myself. Yes it was hard to realize that I never knew how to surrender and Love Completely, but it was true. I had been crushed all the way around. I began to learn so many things about myself and now I know what loving COMPLETELY and Surrender is. It was a very difficult time in my life, but I am thankful that God loved me enough to show me things I never knew. This was good. God Bless you ABOVE AND BEYOND MEASURE. Michele.